Union Maid

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There once was a union maid, she never was afraid Of goons and ginks and company finks and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Do There once was a union maid, Fa Do she never was afraid Fa Do Of goons and ginks and company finks Fa Sol and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Fa Oh, you can't scare me, Do I'm sticking to the union, Sol I'm sticking to the union, Do I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Do# There once was a union maid, Fa# Do# she never was afraid Fa# Do# Of goons and ginks and company finks Fa# Sol# and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Fa# Oh, you can't scare me, Do# I'm sticking to the union, Sol# I'm sticking to the union, Do# I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Re There once was a union maid, Sol Re she never was afraid Sol Re Of goons and ginks and company finks Sol La and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Sol Oh, you can't scare me, Re I'm sticking to the union, La I'm sticking to the union, Re I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Re# There once was a union maid, Sol# Re# she never was afraid Sol# Re# Of goons and ginks and company finks Sol# Sib and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Sol# Oh, you can't scare me, Re# I'm sticking to the union, Sib I'm sticking to the union, Re# I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Mi There once was a union maid, La Mi she never was afraid La Mi Of goons and ginks and company finks La Si and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. La Oh, you can't scare me, Mi I'm sticking to the union, Si I'm sticking to the union, Mi I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Fa There once was a union maid, Sib Fa she never was afraid Sib Fa Of goons and ginks and company finks Sib Do and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Sib Oh, you can't scare me, Fa I'm sticking to the union, Do I'm sticking to the union, Fa I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Fa# There once was a union maid, Si Fa# she never was afraid Si Fa# Of goons and ginks and company finks Si Do# and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Si Oh, you can't scare me, Fa# I'm sticking to the union, Do# I'm sticking to the union, Fa# I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Sol There once was a union maid, Do Sol she never was afraid Do Sol Of goons and ginks and company finks Do Re and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Do Oh, you can't scare me, Sol I'm sticking to the union, Re I'm sticking to the union, Sol I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Sol# There once was a union maid, Do# Sol# she never was afraid Do# Sol# Of goons and ginks and company finks Do# Re# and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Do# Oh, you can't scare me, Sol# I'm sticking to the union, Re# I'm sticking to the union, Sol# I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
La There once was a union maid, Re La she never was afraid Re La Of goons and ginks and company finks Re Mi and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Re Oh, you can't scare me, La I'm sticking to the union, Mi I'm sticking to the union, La I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Sib There once was a union maid, Mib Sib she never was afraid Mib Sib Of goons and ginks and company finks Mib Fa and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Mib Oh, you can't scare me, Sib I'm sticking to the union, Fa I'm sticking to the union, Sib I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.
Si There once was a union maid, Mi Si she never was afraid Mi Si Of goons and ginks and company finks Mi Fa# and the deputy sheriffs who made the raid. She went to the union hall when a meeting it was called, And when the Legion boys come 'round She always stood her ground. Mi Oh, you can't scare me, Si I'm sticking to the union, Fa# I'm sticking to the union, Si I'm sticking to the union. Oh, you can't scare me, I'm sticking to the union, I'm sticking to the union 'til the day I die. This union maid was wise to the tricks of company spies, She couldn't be fooled by a company stool, she'd always organize the guys. She always got her way when she struck for better pay. She'd show her card to the National Guard And this is what she'd say You gals who want to be free, just take a tip from me: get you a man who's a union man and join the ladies' auxiliary. Married life ain't hard when you got a union card, A union man has a happy life when he's got a union wife.

La canzone venne alla luce in un pomeriggio di giugno del 1940, quando W. Guthrie, adattando il suo testo alla musica di una ballata già esistente ("Red wing"), la eseguì su richiesta dell'organizzatore della sede locale del partito comunista, in un ufficietto di Oklahoma City, alla presenza di un piccolo gruppo di operai addetti all'estrazione del petrolio dai giacimenti.
Il primo frammento (di quella che successivamente sarebbe diventata la terza strofa), fu registrato sempre in un pomeriggio, ma del 1946, su un disco in acetato da Moses Asch della Smithsonian ed è l'unico in cui Guthrie esegue personalmente la sua canzone (insieme a P. Seeger che era con lui in quel momento), di cui si conosca l'esistenza (tutte le incisioni successive di "Union maid" infatti, sono eseguite da altri cantanti).

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