Down in the Brunner Mine
La storia cantata: Nuova Zelanda, strage in miniera
(26 Marzo 1896)
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They work in the heat and the coal black dust
Sticks to the skin like a burn'd pie crust
We curse each day that the miner must
Go down in the Brunner mine.
Down at the face of the the Brunner mine
Two hundred feet by the survey line
There's never a sign of sun and sky
Down in the Brunner mine.
The miner's breath comes short and hot
He's using all the breath he's got
Whether it's good for his lungs or not
Down in the Brunner mine.
A sound that'll creep through the miner's soul
Is the shake and rattle and down she'll roll
A hundred feet of rubble and coal
Down in the Brunner mine.
A cave-in'll give us a shut down day
But that'll never make a miner gay
For the trembling earth speaks Judgment Day
Down in the Brunner mine.
Canzone neo-zelandese che illustra le condizioni di lavoro dei minatori della miniera di carbone di Brunner. Nel 1896 in questa miniera avvenne un grave incidente, per un'esplosione di gas metano morirono 65 minatori.
NZ Folk Song (a questo link è possibile anche ascoltare l'audio)
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Giù nella miniera di BrunnerInserito da
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