Gone to weave by steam

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Come all you cotton weavers, your looms you may pull down; you must get employed in factories, in country or in town, for our cotton masters have found out a wonderful new scheme, these calico goods now wove by hand they’re going to weave by steam... If you go into a loom-shop where there’s three or four pair of looms, they are all standing empty, encumbrances of the rooms; and if you ask the reason why, the old mother will tell you plain, my daughters have forsaken them, and gone to weave by steam...

Con l'invenzione del telaio a vapore le tessitrici che sino ad allora lavoravano in casa con telai meccanici "a mano", si ritrovarono tagliate fuori dalle grandi manifatture tessile, che reclutavano giovani donne e pagavano salari bassi.
Questa è la canzone di protesta delle tessitrici.

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