I just want to sing your name

I just want to sing your name

Woody Guthrie
Autori testo
La storia cantata: La condanna a morte di Sacco e Vanzetti (23 Agosto 1927)

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Oh Sacco Sacco, Oh Nicola Sacco Oh Sacco Sacco I just want to sing your name. Sacco Sacco Sacco Sacco Sacco, Oh Sacco, Nicola Sacco Sacco I just want to sing your name. Oh Rosie Rosie Oh Miz Rosie Sacco Oh Rosie Rosie I just want to sing your name. I never did see you see you I never did get you see you I just heard your story story And I just want to sing your name. Hey hey Bart Vanzetti Hey hey Bart Vanzetti You made speeches for the workers workers Well I just want to sing your name. Hey judge Webster Thayer Ho ho judge Webster Thayer Hey hey old judge Webster Thayer I don’t want to sing your name. Bart Vanzetti and Nicola Sacco Bart Vanzetti and Nicola Sacco Come here looking for the land of freedom I just want to sing your name. Vanzetti sold fish around the Plymouth Harbor Sacco was a shoe factory’s best shoe-cutter all of my sons and all of my daughters they’re gonna help me sing your name. Oh Sacco Sacco Hey Bart Vanzetti Your wife and kids and all your family I just want to sing your name. Oh Sacco Vanzetti Hey Sacco Vanzetti Hey Nicola Sacco, Bart Vanzetti I just want to sing your name. Oh oh oh ho ho ho Yes yes yes yes yes yes Yes yes yes yes yes yes Well I just want to sing your name.

Woody Gutrhie, Ballads of Sacco and Vanzetti, Folkways Albatros, 1946

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