Here's to you Nicola and Bart

Here's to you Nicola and Bart

Autori testo
La storia cantata: La condanna a morte di Sacco e Vanzetti (23 Agosto 1927)

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Here's to you Nicola and Bart Rest forever here in our hearts The last and final moment is your That agony is your triumph!
Do Sol Lam Mim Here's to you Nicola and Bart Do Sol Lam Sol Rest forever here in our hearts Mim Rem Sol7 Do The last and final moment is your Sol Mi7 Lam That agony is your triumph!
Do# Sol# Sibm Fam Here's to you Nicola and Bart Do# Sol# Sibm Sol# Rest forever here in our hearts Fam Re#m Sol#7 Do# The last and final moment is your Sol# Fa7 Sibm That agony is your triumph!
Re La Sim Fa#m Here's to you Nicola and Bart Re La Sim La Rest forever here in our hearts Fa#m Mim La7 Re The last and final moment is your La Fa#7 Sim That agony is your triumph!
Re# Sib Dom Solm Here's to you Nicola and Bart Re# Sib Dom Sib Rest forever here in our hearts Solm Fam Sib7 Re# The last and final moment is your Sib Sol7 Dom That agony is your triumph!
Mi Si Do#m Sol#m Here's to you Nicola and Bart Mi Si Do#m Si Rest forever here in our hearts Sol#m Fa#m Si7 Mi The last and final moment is your Si Sol#7 Do#m That agony is your triumph!
Fa Do Rem Lam Here's to you Nicola and Bart Fa Do Rem Do Rest forever here in our hearts Lam Solm Do7 Fa The last and final moment is your Do La7 Rem That agony is your triumph!
Fa# Do# Re#m Sibm Here's to you Nicola and Bart Fa# Do# Re#m Do# Rest forever here in our hearts Sibm Sol#m Do#7 Fa# The last and final moment is your Do# Sib7 Re#m That agony is your triumph!
Sol Re Mim Sim Here's to you Nicola and Bart Sol Re Mim Re Rest forever here in our hearts Sim Lam Re7 Sol The last and final moment is your Re Si7 Mim That agony is your triumph!
Sol# Re# Fam Dom Here's to you Nicola and Bart Sol# Re# Fam Re# Rest forever here in our hearts Dom Sibm Re#7 Sol# The last and final moment is your Re# Do7 Fam That agony is your triumph!
La Mi Fa#m Do#m Here's to you Nicola and Bart La Mi Fa#m Mi Rest forever here in our hearts Do#m Sim Mi7 La The last and final moment is your Mi Do#7 Fa#m That agony is your triumph!
Sib Fa Solm Rem Here's to you Nicola and Bart Sib Fa Solm Fa Rest forever here in our hearts Rem Dom Fa7 Sib The last and final moment is your Fa Re7 Solm That agony is your triumph!
Si Fa# Sol#m Re#m Here's to you Nicola and Bart Si Fa# Sol#m Fa# Rest forever here in our hearts Re#m Do#m Fa#7 Si The last and final moment is your Fa# Re#7 Sol#m That agony is your triumph!

Musica di Ennio Moricone, parole di Joan Baez Colonna sonora del film di Giuliano Montaldo "Sacco e Vanzetti"

Scheda del canto
Autori testo
Autori musica
Nicholas e Bart
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ferdinando.panzica il 03/27/2023 - 19:53 ha scritto:

Se vi piace la potete provare anche così:

(Musicale)  (2 vv.)

MIm  RE  DO  SI7


SOL  LAm  SI7  MIm

MIm  LAm  SI7  MIm



MIm         RE       DO          SI7

Here's to you Nicola and Bart

MIm      RE    DO               RE

Rest forever here in our hearts

        SOL       LAm   RE             SOL

The last and final  moment is your

       MIm LAm   RE4  SI7 MIm

That  agony   is your triumph!

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