All you fascists

All you fascists

Woody Guthrie
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I’m gonna tell you fascists You may be surprised The people in this world Are getting organized You’re bound to lose You fascists bound to lose Race hatred cannot stop us This one thing we know Your poll tax and Jim Crow And greed has got to go You’re bound to lose You fascists bound to lose. All of you fascists bound to lose: I said, all of you fascists bound to lose: Yes sir, all of you fascists bound to lose: You’re bound to lose! You fascists: Bound to lose! People of every color Marching side to side Marching ‘cross these fields Where a million fascists dies You’re bound to lose You fascists bound to lose! I’m going into this battle And take my union gun We’ll end this world of slavery Before this battle’s won You’re bound to lose You fascists bound to lose! All of you fascists bound to lose: I said, all of you fascists bound to lose: Yes sir, all of you fascists bound to lose: You’re bound to lose! You fascists: Bound to lose! People of every color Marching side to side Marching ‘cross these fields Where a million fascists dies You’re bound to lose You fascists bound to lose! I’m going into this battle And take my union gun We’ll end this world of slavery Before this battle’s won You’re bound to lose You fascists bound to lose!
Scheda del canto
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Tutti voi fascisti
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